Broadcast Animation Reel
TMBA is a New York City Animation Studio that creates Broadcast Animation, 3D Animation and Motion Graphics for the top cable and network television productions. TMBA's success lies in our commitment to producing the highest quality 3D animation for people like you--creative television producers looking to add a unique visual dynamic to their productions.
Broadcast Animation is a term used to describe animated 3D scenes created for use in television or cable programming. Common in news, non-fiction or documentary programming, it may also be referred to as computer generated imagery (CGI), news graphics, 3D animation, motion graphics or visual effects.
Broadcast animation is similar to the 3D visual effects used in the feature film industry but, TMBA has altered the process to help television and video producers to obtain great CGI despite their shorter production cycles. An effective tool, TMBA's highly detailed broadcast animation helps producers introduce exciting, dynamic visuals when the narrative in a show includes complex information or processes. TMBA has done the high quality 3D broadcast animations of scientific and medical information, forensic and investigative facts, natural disasters and all kinds of accidents.
TMBA developed a unique process of creating photorealistic 3D visual effects in time frames more suitable to the video industry. From the basic wire frame modeling, to highly realistic textures, colors, lighting and camera movements, TMBA's output is faster than just about any other studio in the U.S.--which translates into a more budget friendly cost per second. Even the most difficult elements such as rain, mist, crashing waves, fire or blowing sand is surprisingly quick to produce, thanks to the many years of experience our animators have in manipulating 3D software into creating realistic effects.
TMBA also has one of the largest render networks in-house, a series of linked microprocessors that generates 3D frames faster. Data transfer time is eliminated, dropped frames minimized and since we monitor the whole process TMBA's 3D animations always arrive on time and perfect--down to the last frame.
Find out why the biggest names in video production use TMBA as their go-to studio for broadcast animation and why our work appears on the largest television and cable networks time and time again.
Contact TMBA, Inc.
Contact person:
Tim McGarvey
TMBA, Inc.
330 West 38th Street, Suite #1010
New York, NY 10018
Email: Email TMBA
Phone: (212) 789-9077