TMBA is a New York City Animation Studio that provides Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) for television programming. TMBA's success lies in our commitment to producing the highest quality 3D animation for people like you--creative television producers looking to add a unique visual dynamic to their productions.

If you are like us, you recognize that television remains one of the most visually exciting mediums with far reaching impact. In other words, you shouldn't have to compromise on your 3D graphics just because you are producing for television.

TMBA has spent the last decade investing in and exploiting desktop technology and creating a WorkSMART system of 3D development to make the highest quality, cinematic style 3D accessible for all kinds of video producers. Artists in our New York City studio are trained to work more efficiently, to put quality ahead of money and stay on schedule. With every single project, our goal remains the same--help our producers get the most bang for their CGI buck.

We believe that's why our work can be seen on all the top networks including Discovery, History, SyFy, NBC, CBS, truTV, National Geographic.

Contact us regarding your current and upcoming projects sooner than later (our schedule fills up pretty quickly!).
You will be amazed at the top notch 3D animation that can be delivered in half the time--with our TMBA guarantee.*